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How to Embed Real Tweets in WordPress Blog Posts

This guide explains how to embed real tweets in WordPress and the benefits of doing it. Content creators like to add credibility to WordPress posts, and Twitter tweets can do that. Twitter limits the number of tweet characters, which often leaves the reader wanting to know more. Tweets from trusted sources help to support facts, add information, and engage readers.

Pasting a social tweet or quote from a prominent individual is not as powerful as showing the genuine tweet. Embedding actual tweets is easily the best and most credible approach.

How to Embed Twitter Tweets into WordPress

Embedding tweets into WordPress is as easy as embedding videos and podcasts—no plugin needed. For this example, we’ll embed a tweet from His Holiness, the Dalai Lama.

Open Twitter in your web browser and find the tweet in the feed you want to embed.

Click the Share icon and select the ‘Copy link to tweet’ from the pop-up menu.

You will see a brief ‘Copied to clipboard’ confirmation message.

Now head over to your WordPress Dashboard.

Click Posts => Add New or open an existing post.

Choose where to put the embedded social media tweet, and click the Add Block (+) icon.

Type twitter into the Add Block search box, then click the Twitter block to open it.

Paste the Twitter URL copied previously into the Twitter URL field.

Now click the Embed button.

WordPress embeds the actual tweet into your post (or page).

Click Preview => Preview in new tab to view your embedded tweet.

The embedded tweet shows on the test website as it does on Twitter.

More embed options

You don’t only have the Twitter block to embed tweets. You can paste tweet URLs into an Embed or Paragraph block too. WordPress automatically converts either of these into Twitter blocks.

Embed Real Tweets Using WP Code Editor

You can embed tweets in WordPress the old way using the Code Editor method. The Embed Tweet option in Twitter gives you more display options using embed code rather than a straight link. You can also alter the source code further in code view if you want even more control.

Open Twitter and locate the tweet you want to embed into your WP post or page.

Click the 3 dots icon (top right) and select Embed Tweet from the pop-up.

Twitter opens a new tab where you can preview how the tweet will look in your post.

Click Copy Code if you like the display, or visit the customization options (see next).

Click the set customization options link if you want to modify the tweet before you embed it. The custom options include Light or Dark display, Preferred Language, and Hide Conversation.

For this example, let’s change the display from Light to Dark.

Click Update to save the settings, followed by Copy Code.

Twitter displays a ‘Copied!’ message to confirm the code is in your clipboard.

Now head over to your WordPress Dashboard.

Click Posts => Add New or open an existing post to embed the tweet.

Click the 3-dots in Post Editor (top right) to open the view tab.

Click the Code Editor link.

The Post Editor opens in edit code view on the left of the screen.

Your next step is to paste the copied code where you want to display the tweet.

Click Preview => Preview in new tab to view the custom changes to the tweet.

Here’s how the embedded tweet looks on our test site.

Embed Tweets into WP Sidebars

It’s also possible to embed tweets into your WP sidebars and other widget-friendly areas.

First, locate the tweet on Twitter that you want to add to your sidebar.

Click the 3 dots icon (top right) and select Embed Tweet from the pop-up.

Twitter opens a new tab where you can preview how the tweet will look in your post.

Click Copy Code or visit the customization options (see previous method).

Now go to Appearance => Widgets from the Dashboard side menu.

Drag a Text Widget to your chosen widget-friendly area.

Type a name for your tweet in the title field.

Click the Text tab of the text widget and paste your Twitter embed code.

Click Save, then visit the site to view the update.

Your tweet is now embedded in your widget-friendly area.

And that’s how you integrate and embed real tweets from active Twitter accounts into WordPress.

Want to Learn WordPress?

WordPress is an amazing platform for building any type of website.   It’s used by large corporations and small mom & pop sites.

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